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A2 Lessons

Social Media

Social Media

Lesson- Social Media

Students predict the topic of Social Media from mini-texts, read ‘Facts about Facebook’ and focus on lexical items in context.  Students then discuss social media in their lives before taking part in ‘mini debates’, using simple phrases to give their opinions.

Teachers’ Notes – Social Media


The Answer – Short Film

shavingLesson – The Answer

In this lesson, students will meet words/phrases for describing appearance while introducing them to ‘will’ for future predictions.   In this communicative lesson, students will work in pairs/groups to discuss the short animation, answering questions and then reading a review of the book ‘The Secret, which the short film is based on.  As a post task, students will set their own future goals using ‘will’

The Answer – Teachers’ Notes

Soccer and Free Time Activities


Lesson – Soccer

In this lesson, students review and construct their own present simple questions and practice using adverbs of frequency to talk to their partners about their free time activities.  Students also write their own questions to ask the rest of the class.

Teachers’ Notes – Soccer

UFC Fighter – Conor McGregor

UFC Fighter PortraitsLesson- Irish UFC Fighter – Conor McGregor

In this lesson, students are introduced to Irish UFC chamption, Conor McGregor.  Students use vocabulary to describe Conor’s appearance and personality before practicing the use of adverbs of frequency in a true/false quiz. Students then read a short article on Conor and write questions based on the text to ask their classmates.

Teachers’ Notes – Conor McGregor

 New Year’s Resolutions

Lose weight_222426904

Lesson- New Year’s Resolutions

In this lesson, students have the opportunity to discuss their future plans and New Year’s Resolutions using the ‘going to’ structure. Students will watch a clip of different people making resolutions and share their own plans for the year with the class.

Teachers’ Notes – New Year’s Resolutions 



All I Want for Christmas…

Lesson – All I Want For Christmasreindeer_114326752

In this lesson, students discuss what Christmas gifts they need, want, don’t want and then use the structures ‘it looks/looks like’, ‘it seems like / seems as though’ to discuss an image from the music video before listening to the song. This lesson encourages students to use their higher order thinking skills to analyze the song and video.

Teachers’ Notes –  All I Want for Christmas

Advertising – John Lewis

monty's christmas 1Lesson – Advertising

In this lesson students will use critical thinking techniques to analyze the iconic John Lewis Christmas adverts. Students will have the opportunity to predict and retell the story used in the advert and discuss what makes adverts popular. If you want to learn more about critical thinking please read our previous blog post here.

Teachers’ Notes – Advertising

At the Pharmacy

illnessLesson- Pharmacy

In this A2 lesson students learn vocabulary for common ailments and role play scenarios they may come across in a pharmacy.


Teachers’ Notes –  At the pharmacy


HolidayLesson – Holidays

In this A2 lesson students will compete to find the best deals on package holidays online. They will then research the top things to do in their chosen destination and share their ideas with the class.

 Teachers’ Notes – Holidays



Help Lesson – Help

In this A2 lesson students will discuss random acts of kindness from strangers and how they would react in similar situations. They will have the opportunity to predict how strangers will react and watch a YouTube clip to confirm their predictions.

Teachers’ Notes – Help



Fashion Lesson – Fashion

In this A2 lesson students will talk about what they are wearing, expanding their clothing vocabulary. They will also have the opportunity to practise using the present continuous and order of adjectives. At the end of the lesson students will take part in a class fashion show.

Teachers’ Notes – Fashion


What other A2 lessons would you like to see here?  Let us know and we’ll get working on them!

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